Meet Our Team

James (Jim) P. Shahda
Cell: (713) 540-1327​
Phone: (713) 521-1327​

Jim leverages his expertise in construction and renovation management to ensure newly acquired properties are brought up to Shahda community standards. He then interfaces with our professional management partners to develop and implement both long and short term strategic management plans and oversees each community property to ensure that asset management and performance goals are achieved and maintained.

Joseph (Joe) M. Shahda
Cell (713) 927-9055​
Phone (713) 521-1327​

Joe’s strengths include sound financial and investment analysis, understanding of risk management and market dynamics, as well as a broad knowledge of real estate construction and operations. He applies his expertise in property lifecycle management for the identification and acquisition of suitable candidates through to asset disposition and exit.

Real Estate Development

Since our first acquisition in 1996, we have created additional value through the development of internal systems that enable effective management of every stage in the property asset lifecycle including:​


  • Sourcing potential candidate properties with high potential returns.​
  • Performing due diligence to ensure all stakeholder needs are met.​
  • Development of construction, renovation, re-habilitation plans.​
  • Preparation of financial, risk, operations, and management plans.​

Our excellent understanding of our target market expectations and quality management practices have allowed our investments to outperform comparable properties in our asset class in terms of both operations and value enhancement.

Our Featured Communities

Through our Property Management sister company, SI Communities, we provide every resident with a high quality living experience, every day.


Trusted Partners

Shahda Investments is proud to be associated with the following companies.